Who we are

Alessandro Volta was an Italian physicist, chemist and pioneer in the study of electricity, to whom we owe the invention of the Electric Battery. The International Measurement System of Electricity comes from him: Volt, Voltaic, Voltage
RE as Renewable Energy Community Services
That is why we are called Volta RE


Promoting, Investing, Managing Energy Communities (RCP/ZEV)

Energy for Volta RE is a Profit Centre and no longer a Cost Centre.

A new paradigm is emerging in the energy market in which the passive consumer in relation to an energy producer is replaced by the Prosumer, producer and consumer of energy.

Thus transforming energy from a Cost Centre to a Profit Centre. A transition in which the Energy Community is the main actor using the most innovative energy saving perspectives.


Valorsec SA: design and development of innovative enterprises and investments - shareholder



Volta RE controls e-OASI Management SA, a company operating in the field of public charging of Electric Mobility with services on the motorway and urban network.


Volta RE si avvale di partner in vari settori che assicurano un’erogazione dei suoi servizi puntuale ed efficiente.

• Technicians
• Finance
    • Banks and Leasing Company
    • Contracting di servizi fotovoltaici
• Real Estate
• Fiduciari
• Legali
• Certificatori
• Commerciali

About Us

Volta RE shareholders interview in Tutto Green (https://tuttogreen.ch) magazine about GREEN realities in Ticino

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